Synchronous and Asynchronous Requests

To begin, Robyn taught Batman about its ability to handle both synchronous and asynchronous requests. Batman was excited to learn about these features and started implementing them in the application.

For a simple synchronous request, Batman wrote:


from robyn import Robyn

app = Robyn(__file__)

def h(request):
    return "Hello, world"

app.start(port=8080, host="") # host is optional, defaults to

For an asynchronous request, Batman used:


async def h(request):
    return "Hello, world"

Running the Application

Batman was curious about how to run the application. Robyn explained that he could run the application through a simple command python3

A robyn application exposes certain commands to the user. These commands can be used to run the application, or to generate a new project.

usage: [-h] [--processes PROCESSES] [--workers WORKERS] [--dev] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--create] [--docs] [--open-browser] [--version]

Robyn, a fast async web framework with a rust runtime.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --processes PROCESSES
                        Choose the number of processes. [Default: 1]
  --workers WORKERS     Choose the number of workers. [Default: 1]
  --dev                 Development mode. It restarts the server based on file changes.
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Set the log level name
  --open-browser        Open the browser on successful start.

  Module flags
  --create              Create a new project template.
  --docs                Open the Robyn documentation.
  --version             Show the Robyn version.

Handling Different HTTP Requests

Robyn then taught Batman how to handle various HTTP requests like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. With Robyn's guidance, Batman could create endpoints for each request type, making the application versatile and efficient.

For example, Batman learned to create a POST request like this:


async def h(request):
    return "Hello World"

Returning JSON Responses

Batman was curios about the ability to return JSON responses from the application. Robyn showed him how to do this using the jsonify function.

Batman could now return JSON responses from his application, making it easier to parse the data on the frontend.


from robyn import jsonify"/jsonify")
async def json(request):
    return jsonify({"hello": "world"})

Accessing Path Parameters and Query Parameters

Batman was curious about how to access path parameters and query parameters from incoming requests. This allowed Batman to create dynamic routes and gather specific information from the request.

Robyn also showed Batman how to access path parameters and query parameters from incoming requests.

For instance, Batman could create a route with a path parameter and access it like this:


from robyn import jsonify"/jsonify/:id")
async def json(request):
    return jsonify({"hello": "world"})

And for accessing query parameters, Batman could use the following code snippet:


async def query_get(request):
    query_data = request["queries"]
    return jsonify(query_data)

As Batman continued to develop his web application with Robyn, he explored more features and implemented them using code samples.

Customizing Response Formats and Headers

After understanding the dynamic nature of Robyn, Batman, now wanted the ability to customize response formats and headers. Robyn showed him how to do this using dictionaries and Robyn's Response object.

Using Dictionaries

Batman learned to customize response formats by returning dictionaries or using Robyn's Response object. He could also set status codes and headers for each response. For example, Batman created a response with a dictionary like this:


async def dictionary(request):
    return {
        "status_code": 200,
        "description": "This is a regular response",
        "type": "text",
        "headers": {"Header": "header_value"},

Using the Response object

To use the Response object, he wrote:


from robyn.robyn import Response

async def response(request):
    return Response(status_code=200, headers={}, description="OK")

Returning a Binary Output

Batman then wanted to return a binary output from his application. He could do this by setting the type of the response to "binary" and returning a bytes object. For example, he wrote:


def binary_output_response_sync(request):
    return Response(
        headers={"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"},

async def binary_output_async(request):
    return b"OK"

async def binary_output_response_async(request):
    return Response(
        headers={"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"},

Response Headers

Batman, being the world's greatest detective, spotted the headers field in the Response object. He, naturally wanted to know more about it. Robyn explained that he could use the headers field to set response headers. For example, he could set the Content-Type header to application/json by writing:

Local Response Headers

Either, by using the headers field in the Response object:


def binary_output_response_sync(request):
    return Response(
        headers={"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"},

Global Response Headers

Or setting the Headers globally per router.


app.add_response_header("content-type", "application/json")

Request Headers

Batman, now wanted to know how to read request headers. Robyn explained that he could use the request.headers field to read request headers. For example, he could read the Content-Type header by writing:

Local Request Headers

Either, by using the headers field in the Request object:


def binary_output_response_sync(request):
  headers = request.headers

  print("These are the request headers: ", headers)

  headers["modified"] = ["modified_value"]

  print("These are the modified request headers: ", headers)
  return ""

Or by using the global Request Headers:


app.add_request_header("server", "robyn")

Status Codes

After learning about response formats and headers, Batman learned to set status codes for his responses.


from robyn import status_codes

async def response(request):
    return Response(status_code=status_codes.HTTP_200_OK, headers={}, description="OK")

What's next?

Great, now Robyn, what is the Request Object that you keep talking about?, Batman said. "Next section", said Robyn.

Batman was also interested to know about the architecture of Robyn. "Next section", said Robyn.